Australian Poisoning Surveillance Initiative
APSI Databank
The APSI databank aims to provide high quality data on Australian poisonings to facilitate toxicosurveillance and toxicovigilance research.
The APSI program will streamline and facilitate poisoning research and public health initiatives.
Policy and Practice
We aim to enable rapid translation of poisoning related research findings into policy and practice.
About Us
The Australian Poisoning Surveillance Initiative (APSI) is a joint initiative of the four Australian Poisons Information Centres (PICs), based in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA, and the University of Sydney with support from the Australian Research Data Commons.
The aims are to establish:
- a high-quality national poisoning database (APSI databank) for research and surveillance purposes, and
- a national program of research in poisoning epidemiology.
For more information, see our FAQs.
APSI and the University of Sydney do not provide clinical services. For advice about poisoning in Australia, please call the Poisons Information Centres (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) on
13 11 26
If the person has stopped breathing or collapsed, dial
and ask for an ambulance.
APSI was established with investment from the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).